We thought this was the perfect time to share this funky find with all of you. While driving down an Indiana road recently, we spotted this contraption in a parking lot. We immediately had to do a u-turn to see what it was, wouldn’t you? When the guys came out that were driving this RV, they were…
Ohio and the Case for Better Planning
We had a few goals when we drove through Ohio on our way back to Indiana. First we would meet up with our RVing friends, the Snowmads. Then we’d head down to Mansfield to see an old college buddy. While there, we really wanted to visit the old Ohio State Reformatory that was used in the…
What’s New at the National RV Tradeshow
We were lucky enough to attend the industry-only National RV Trade Show this year and picked out the coolest things we saw to share with you. Instead of running through the show like mad people, we mainly focused on items that could be installed aftermarket. If you’re like us, you’re always on the lookout for new,…
A Perfectly Fall Day
As I write this, it feels like fall has already left most of the country. But as we made our way from the North to South, I’m reminded that it is still autumn for another couple of weeks. Down here, it feels more like what I think of as fall weather or at least the part…
10 Things I’ve Learned in 10 Moves
Yes, that’s right; I have packed my belongings and thrown them in a truck 10 times. You would think I would have it perfected by now, but something new always pops up each time. I have moved from small places into larger homes and from houses into small apartments. This last move into our motorhome was…
Kolaches in West, TX (the town, not the geographical area)
I’ll admit it. When we used to make the journey from Dallas to Austin, we would stop for kolaches, but we would always just go to the Czech stop right off the highway and get back to driving. When we made our trek from Austin to Dallas this time, things were different. For one I…
Getting out of Dodge
Starting off on our new life adventure was an adventure in itself. After spending the holidays with my family, we thought it befitting that we leave to start our new journey on January 1st. It would be a poetic way to start the new year. That was not in cards, though. A delay in getting…
Getting Acclimated in Austin
We made Austin our first long-term stop after setting out on our full-time travels. This made sense for a variety of reasons: it’s close to Livingston, TX where we had to stop and set up residence, our good friends Sarah and Brian are there and I wanted to visit them for an extended period, Brandon…
Austin Taco Round Up
You can’t go to Austin without eating a taco. Taco joints are all around the city and heated discussions can arise on which one is best. Below is a rundown of the taco joints we made it to while in Austin. This is by no means comprehensive as we’d have to eat tacos every day…
Austin Pizza Roundup
I like pizza. Brandon LOVES pizza. So when we got to Austin, he compiled a list of pizza places for us to try based on his research and opinions from local redditors and others. We didn’t make it to all of them (I wish we had gotten out to Pieous because they have other types of pies,…