Meet Rex our new Toad (That’s a towed behind vehicle for you non-RV types) After getting our Mini Clubman stuck in the sand in Florida and putting out a little electrical fire in Alpine, TX (200 miles from the nearest Mini dealer), we decided it was time to get something more suitable for our needs….
Staying Social on the Road: How We Create a Community on the Internet
Updated 3-21-2016 and 2-2-2017 When we took off on our full-time RV journey, I had no idea how many other working age full-timers were out there. I thought we’d visit our friends scattered around the country and meet a few people along the way, but had accepted it would be me and Brandon for most…
Happy Holidays!
We thought this was the perfect time to share this funky find with all of you. While driving down an Indiana road recently, we spotted this contraption in a parking lot. We immediately had to do a u-turn to see what it was, wouldn’t you? When the guys came out that were driving this RV, they were…
A Perfectly Fall Day
As I write this, it feels like fall has already left most of the country. But as we made our way from the North to South, I’m reminded that it is still autumn for another couple of weeks. Down here, it feels more like what I think of as fall weather or at least the part…
10 Things I’ve Learned in 10 Moves
Yes, that’s right; I have packed my belongings and thrown them in a truck 10 times. You would think I would have it perfected by now, but something new always pops up each time. I have moved from small places into larger homes and from houses into small apartments. This last move into our motorhome was…